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Blogs To Know

I read a lot of foodie blogs, but these are the blogs everyone should be reading.

101 Cookbooks

If you don’t know who Heidi Swanson is already, you will.  Heidi started 101 cookbooks in 2003 under the premise that she–like many of us–had a large collection of cookbooks, but continued to prepare the same foods over and over.  Eventually, Heidi began to develop her own, mind-blowingly good recipes based on the principle of supernatural food.  Lover of quinoa or not, you’d be hard pressed to find a recipe here that isn’t extremely original and worthy of worship.

Joy of Baking

Chances are, you’ve stopped by Stephanie Jaworski’s comprehensive baking site.  Joy of Baking, founded in 1997, is less like a blog than the reference manual to a multitude of baking techniques and recipes replete with friendly advice, food history, and extremely helpful videos for first-time and well-seasoned bakers alike.

Smitten Kitchen

This is one of my favorite blogs of all time.  Not only are her recipes easy to follow and her choice of foods to make so close to my idea of food heaven it’s freaky, she is an extremely talented photographer not at all shy about sharing her trade secrets.  She has a post just for foodies looking to take better pictures, providing new strategies and a list of the photography equipment that she uses!  Really, does it get any better?

Got another seminal food blog that should be included here?  Drop me a line at!

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